Head Designer Womenswear – Milan




Azienda Cliente

  For a renowned Group, among the main players in the production and distribution of Footwear, Leather Goods, Clothing and Luxury Accessories globally, we are looking for the figure of Head Designer Womenswear.

Principali attività previste

The sought-after figure will be responsible for:
  • Concept and inspiration of Womenswear collections
  • Creation of trends Research of raw materials for the collections
  • Design of the garments and provide them with technical details for the creation of prototypes
  • Defecting prototype
  • Constant collaboration with Product Office/Product Development
  • Participation in trade fairs
The sought-after figure will report to the Brand Director and Creative Director. Workplace: Milan with frequent travel.

Principali attività richieste

The professional figure sought by the Client Company will have the following characteristics: • 10-15 years of experience as a freelancer or Senior Designer at Fashion/Luxury brands • With strong product sensitivity, knows the specifics of the position very wellExperience in following a project in its entirety (relating to product development, factories …) • Organized and precise, respects deadlines and knows how to manage priorities • Dynamic, with excellent relational skillsGood spoken Italian.



Si prega d’inviare dettagliato curriculum vitae, con autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati (DL 196/2003), via mail inserendo come oggetto il codice di riferimento dell’annuncio all’indirizzo e-mail: applications@rgandpartners.com

La ricerca si intende rivolta a candidati di ambo i sessi (leggi 903/77- 125/91)
Per candidarsi è necessario aver preso visione dell’informativa Privacy presente in questo sito.
L’azienda contatterà direttamente per colloqui di selezione solo candidati in linea con i requisiti richiesti.